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What Happens Following a Data Breach?

By Arooj Shakeel
October 1, 2023

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Data breaches are more prevalent than ever, so it’s critical to comprehend what they are and how they occur. It is known as a data breach when someone obtains unauthorized access to private data, including credit card numbers, passwords, or other personal information. Hacking into computer systems, stealing documents with sensitive information, or even guessing the appropriate password for an online account are all possible breaches.

Phishing emails, which appear to be official correspondence from well-known businesses but contain harmful links that direct you to websites created to gather your personal data, are the most popular methods hackers use to acquire your data. 


What A Business Should Do After A Data Breach

  1. Inform Your Company’s Staff and Customers of the Data Breach

Never keep a data breach’s existence a secret. After all, providing services to customers or clients is the core of your business. They must be informed of data breaches to protect themselves. The same is true of your internal staff members. Also, there may have been a breach of their personal information, which might have resulted in identity theft and other criminal behavior.

Always attempt to inform your clients and all other employees of what happened. Customers who are informed can take action with the credit bureaus if someone tries to utilize their financial information without their consent. If you still need data security, your staff will take the same precautions to safeguard themselves. Keeping this data breach information secret could later come back to haunt your business. Allowing private information to fall into the wrong hands might result in lawsuits. Trust could also prevent losing many of your cherished staff (and clients).

  1. Protect Your System

Where in your IT systems did the data breach take place? Take immediate action to repair the breached area. Multiple breaches may have left you vulnerable to additional ones if you don’t halt them right now. Following a data breach, your firm should seek to alter your access codes/passwords until everything is resolved. 

Whoever committed the hack can access those codes and do whatever they want until you disable them. In addition, as a precaution, you should temporarily disable all remote access to your systems. It’s also a good idea to form a mobile breach team to respond as soon as feasible. That team could include more than simply your on-site IT specialists. Lawyers, human resources, your communications department, and management are a few examples.

  1. Identify what was compromised

What type of data was compromised in your company? Was it your consumers’ financial information? Or did the hackers get further information that could still allow them to steal identities? These are critical questions for a corporation to ask following a data breach. A criminal can find personal information on someone by simply stealing something as inconsequential as birthday information. Even compromised mailing addresses might cause a chain reaction of personal data theft.

Email accounts can also be easily accessed if passwords are compromised. The worst is the theft of your customers’ or workers’ credit card information.

  1. Put Your New Cybersecurity Defenses to the Test

After your firm has resolved the issues that resulted from the data breach, it is time to ensure that any cybersecurity patches or processes implemented actually operate. You may miss a few things if you rush to get your IT security back in shape.

Most importantly, do a test to ensure that the approach used by the hacker to get access to your data cannot be repeated. Without a thorough test, it may recur again hours or days later. This is why you must rely on your IT team to determine the source of the breach and how it occurred. A dependable security staff can quickly eliminate this.

As part of your penetration testing process, ensure that all your servers and virtual machines are tested. These are typically the most vulnerable areas of technology where data breaches occur. Your previous weakness and any additional security vulnerabilities discovered during an assessment should be thoroughly patched.

  1. Keep all data breach protocols up to date 

It may be time to revise the processes you use to notify your employees about data breaches. How well-educated are they on what to do if this occurs? Perhaps you discovered that your team was taken off guard about how to manage it because it had never happened before.  

Complacency is a serious issue for many firms that have never had a security incident. This is why you must rely on your IT team to determine the source of the breach and how it occurred. Take the effort to establish new procedures and educate your employees on the realities of the world. After a data breach, it is also a good idea to outsource a competent IT staff so that new security measures may be implemented. They may teach you and your employees the importance of recognizing phishing emails and setting unique passwords that are not easily hacked.

Today, the biggest deterrents against data breaches are education and acute awareness. The little you know, the easier it gets for hackers to locate entry points into your data.

  1. Think About Obtaining Cyber Liability Insurance

To further safeguard yourself, look into cyber liability insurance coverage that can cover any data losses. Data loss can result in significant financial losses over time, not to mention the possibility of paying settlements to persons whose information has been exposed. After a data breach, fully securing your firm should become a priority. If your company just experienced a data breach, it may not be the last.

  1. Obtain Professional IT Assistance

Find an organization that can assist you as it navigates the intricacies of a remote workforce. We may collaborate with you to help you implement security policies and configurations that comply with industry best practices throughout your organization to help prevent a breach.

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