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What IT Companies Should Know When Recruiting Generation Z

By Arooj Shakeel
October 5, 2023

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Gen Z is the newest generation to enter the labor force. Born between 1997 and 2012, this generation is just out of college and is already changing how we hire and recruit. By adapting to their needs, you can draw in and keep the largest generation of US-born workers ever.

 So, who are these new job seekers? For all the information you require on hiring Generation Z, continue reading:


Meet the job seekers from Generation Z. 

Before delving into job search preferences, Generation Z versus millennial recruiting, and other topics, The following is a brief overview of what to anticipate as Generation Z college students join the workforce: 

Generation Z is a digital generation. They can only remember after the internet, smartphones, or video games. They’ve experienced the global marketplace of ideas and commerce. These employees understand that opportunities are limitless and are determined to leave their mark. 

A Kronos study found that nearly one-third of Gen Z job seekers believe they are the ‘hardest working generation’ ever, with another 36% believing they have it the hardest when entering the workforce compared to those who came before them. Only 4 in 10 believe their education has prepared them for the working world, which is understandable given that 65% of students in primary school today will continue in jobs that still need to be created. Companies aware of these trends can better attract and retain GenZ employees.

Millennials vs. Generation Z 

Even though Generation Z and millennials are often grouped, they have more differences than you might realize. Yes, both generations are proficient digital users and frequenters of social media. When it comes to looking for work, however, their preferences can vary greatly. 

The most popular college majors for Gen Z students are science, medicine, and psychology/social science. Engineering majors have more than doubled between Generation X, and Generation Z. Science, business, and healthcare are millennials’ most popular college majors. Millennials studied psychology at a rate that was less than half that of Generation Z. 

Education, healthcare and social services, and professional and business services are among Gen Z’s top industry choices. Millennials are less likely than Gen Z to want to work for the federal government. Education, healthcare and social services, and information technology are the top three industries for millennials. 

Arts, design, and media occupations appeal to Gen Z, with three times as many Gen Z-ers choosing these occupations as Gen X or Student Millennials. Even though Gen Z chooses business as a college major less frequently than Gen X or Millennials, they choose sales occupations twice as frequently. The top occupations for millennials are education, training, computer and mathematical, library, and business and financial operations. 

Salary, work-life balance, and job duties are the most important factors for Gen Z when deciding whether or not to accept a job. Millennials’ most important factors when deciding whether to accept a job are salary, work-life balance, and career growth opportunities. 

Generation Z expects, at a minimum, employee benefits, including medical insurance, paid time off, and retirement savings. Aside from these, Generation Z wants maternity and paternity leave, tuition reimbursement, and loan repayment. At a minimum, millennials expect medical insurance, paid time off, and retirement savings. Millennials want bonuses, maternity and paternity leave, student loan repayment,

Communication Preferences of Generation Z 

Connecting with Generation Z entails going where they are. Using the right communication platforms, hiring timelines, and messaging can mean the difference between a candidate accepting an offer and going to a competitor. The following are the most important Gen Z communication preferences to consider during the recruiting process: 

Keep it moving quickly. 17% of Gen Z job seekers anticipate receiving an offer within a week of their first interview. Reduce hiring time and provide frequent updates throughout the hiring process. 

Use a multi-channel strategy. Despite the email preference, Generation Z expects recruiters to contact them via various communication channels.

Face-to-face communication. 51% of Generation Z job seekers prefer speaking in person and want to build trusting relationships with recruiters.

What expectations does Generation Z have for the workplace?

Salary, work/life balance, job duties, and projects were ranked as Gen Z’s top three considerations when asked what would make them accept a job. This group may be looking for a work environment that allows them to adjust schedules and work remotely to balance their personal and professional obligations better. 

Aside from comprehensive medical coverage, Generation Z values employee benefits such as a great vacation package and a generous parental leave policy. They also want a good retirement plan in the long run.

Gen Z is thinking about today and tomorrow, but they’ll still have to stay with your company. According to statistics on Generation Z in the workforce, more than half of respondents say they plan to change jobs in the next three years. Attracting Gen Z candidates is difficult; keeping them may be the next challenge for businesses.

Inclusion and Diversity for Generation Z

 Gen Z, named the most diverse and well-educated generation, is aware that they want to work for a company that values social responsibility. 

  • They seek diversity in organizations: 86% of Gen Z job seekers consider a company’s commitment to diversity when deciding whether or not to accept an offer. 
  • If they didn’t speak to any underrepresented candidates during the interview, more than two-thirds would be hesitant to accept an offer. 
  • If they discovered their employer wasn’t committed to workplace diversity after hiring, 78% of them would consider looking for another job. 
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